Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Every Bit

As I sat listening to Lillie tell the stories of her life, she repeated a couple of times, the phrase, "Every bit is God's work".  All of the stories, events, people, and work were and are God's.  All of the 'divine appointments' and the paths she traveled were God's work.  Every bit.  This is how you view yourself when you reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to God.  That's just what Paul wrote in Galations 2:20....I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I still live, yet not I, Christ is living His life through me and the life which I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who died for me.

We marveled again at our God and how He orchestrates every bit of our lives.  We praise Him for that.  Won't you join us?  Look for Him....He is working around you, through you and in 'every bit' of your life.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Traversing in Peace

Lillie tells of her first trip to Singapore, traveling by boat, departing from California and making several stops along the way.  The entire trip took “forever”, as they stopped for 2 days in each port.  Lengthy trip?  No problem.  So, let’s try a typhoon on for size.  The ship encountered the big storm outside of Japan.  The boat was tossed up and down with the monstrous waves.  Of the 300 people aboard, almost all succumbed to motion sickness.  Everyone except Lillie that is.  Lillie, who likes to eat, would go to the dining hall and wait patiently while the staff tried over and over to actually get food on the table.  They dropped a few trays along the way, what with all the typhoon madness tossing the boat around.  When the food was served, it was then Lillie’s turn to corral the plates, cups and silverware as they slid mercilessly around the table.  But she managed!  While the other passengers were green and nowhere to be seen, Lillie would go out on the deck and sit in a chair….water crashing on deck…and “watch the birds”.  I can’t imagine birds in a typhoon, but can you just picture Lillie, sitting on the deck in the midst of the storm?

Reminds me of Paul and the storms he encountered on his missionary journeys.  How about you?  How are you riding out the storms of life?  Are you able to sit comfortably in a deck chair as the boat is tossed to and fro?  Are you sitting in calm assurance because you know the One who commands the winds and the waves?