Wednesday, July 28, 2010

LIFElines Through Language Studies & Music

Lillie used her position as English professor at the university in Singapore to build relationships with her students.  The students admit that, at the beginning, they were only interested in learning English.  After all, mastering the English language would help them become more successful in their chosen careers.  So, they were hungry to learn English and learn it well.  But Lillie had more in mind than just teaching them English.  She made sure they were always welcome in her apartment.  Her door was always open for visits and "learning more English".  Lillie would use the Bible as the text for reading.  She took them to church and then held discussion sessions afterwards to see how much they had gleaned from the sermon.  This opened many doors for training hearts, not just minds, as they began to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.  And then there is the Handbell Choir.  Lillie had purchased and taken to Singapore, four octaves of handbells.  A group of about 15 became Lillie's music students as they learned how to ring the handbells.  The goal was for all to attend each practice and performance.  No excuses.  If you attended, learned the music, then Lillie promised a trip to the United States.  Not one person missed.  Not for family events, school or any other reason.  They were motivated by the idea of traveling to the States.  They became proficient at the bells, even though they had never had any formal music training.  Lillie color coded the music for them and directed them as they played.  They performed on TV in Singapore and many other venues.  And then, the big trip to the States became a realization.  They performed at many churches and were able to stay at homes of the church members in the States.  This gave them the opportunity to practice their English and, more importantly, testify to how they came to know Christ.   Eventually, all of the handbell choir members came to a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ, confessing Him as Lord.  Once again, the LIFEline had been cast.  Cast among students eager to learn....and learn they did.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Having it all...

Let's continue this discussion of "LIFElines".  Lillie's influence is, and has been, far-reaching.  One lady shares that her mother was discipled by Lillie.  They met regularly for Bible study and prayer.  However, as a young, ambitious and very successful businesswoman, she didn't see any need to join them.  She was happy in her job and well on her way to making a lot of money.  She could go anywhere and do anything she wanted, so Bible study was not a priority.  In her view, she already "had it all".  But when things began to change, she started looking for answers.  She realized that she didn't have it all.  There was something missing, something that money and success could not buy.  She picked up her mother's Bible and began to read.  She read it cover to cover.  "Maybe the answers are here", she mused.  She met Lillie and began Bible study with her.....and she began to hunger for more.  She found that she enjoyed Bible study.  "The Bible is so interesting" and "Lillie was so full of knowledge", she said.  Lillie encouraged her to come and visit at any time.  She took this invitation seriously, and spent time discussing the Word with Lillie, asking her questions and discovering the way things work in God's economy.  Ultimately, she realized that the answers were found in the Bible....that Jesus was God's Son who came to pay the penalty for her sin, and that through His life, she could truly live.  She prayed to accept Christ and then experienced the most incredible peace she had ever known.  Even in the face of many troubles, she had "fantastic peace."  Today, she reflects on that time and gives praise to God that Lillie cast a LIFEline, through her mother, to her.....and beyond.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


It was such a blessing today to hear from two women who came to know Christ through Lillie's work in Singapore.  Portions of their stories will be posted later, but tonight I am reflecting on what Lillie refers to as a "Lifeline".  These women were a perfect picture of how the Lifeline was cast by Lillie.....bringing the Gospel to people around her, and then seeing how they reached others, thus forming a longer "line" - a Lifeline....cast to rescue those in danger, those in trouble who are about to sink, offering them a way out of the dark depths to Life.

Be careful what you cast.....make sure it's a Lifeline.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Every Bit

As I sat listening to Lillie tell the stories of her life, she repeated a couple of times, the phrase, "Every bit is God's work".  All of the stories, events, people, and work were and are God's.  All of the 'divine appointments' and the paths she traveled were God's work.  Every bit.  This is how you view yourself when you reckon yourself dead to sin and alive to God.  That's just what Paul wrote in Galations 2:20....I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I still live, yet not I, Christ is living His life through me and the life which I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who died for me.

We marveled again at our God and how He orchestrates every bit of our lives.  We praise Him for that.  Won't you join us?  Look for Him....He is working around you, through you and in 'every bit' of your life.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Traversing in Peace

Lillie tells of her first trip to Singapore, traveling by boat, departing from California and making several stops along the way.  The entire trip took “forever”, as they stopped for 2 days in each port.  Lengthy trip?  No problem.  So, let’s try a typhoon on for size.  The ship encountered the big storm outside of Japan.  The boat was tossed up and down with the monstrous waves.  Of the 300 people aboard, almost all succumbed to motion sickness.  Everyone except Lillie that is.  Lillie, who likes to eat, would go to the dining hall and wait patiently while the staff tried over and over to actually get food on the table.  They dropped a few trays along the way, what with all the typhoon madness tossing the boat around.  When the food was served, it was then Lillie’s turn to corral the plates, cups and silverware as they slid mercilessly around the table.  But she managed!  While the other passengers were green and nowhere to be seen, Lillie would go out on the deck and sit in a chair….water crashing on deck…and “watch the birds”.  I can’t imagine birds in a typhoon, but can you just picture Lillie, sitting on the deck in the midst of the storm?

Reminds me of Paul and the storms he encountered on his missionary journeys.  How about you?  How are you riding out the storms of life?  Are you able to sit comfortably in a deck chair as the boat is tossed to and fro?  Are you sitting in calm assurance because you know the One who commands the winds and the waves?  

Friday, April 30, 2010

Prayer...Shaping Lives

I remember a plaque that hung on the wall of my childhood home.  On it was a pair of praying hands and the inscription, "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of."  Lillie testifies to this when she reflects on her life.  Things came about because someone was praying for her.

Before she asked Jesus to be Lord, she remembers an English teacher who would nod to her as she entered the classroom and then she would smile.  Lillie felt the teacher's eyes following her as she walked to her desk.  She just knew that the teacher was praying for her.  Again, at church, she would notice the pastor's wife watching her from the choir loft as she found her seat and she knew she was being prayed for.  The list goes on and on.  Certainly, these were influential people in Lillie's early years.  God heard and answered their prayers.  These pray-ers and their prayers helped shape the life of a young girl, who would later learn great lessons in the school of prayer.  Today, many know Lillie as the one who prays for them and she faithfully models the relationship we are to have with our Lord through prayer.  In turn, we learn what an enormous privilege and responsibility we have in prayer.

Because of her experience, Lillie encourages teachers to pray.  “Know your students”, she urges.  “Know if they are saved, and pray for them.”

What about you?  Have you spoken to Him today?  Who has He put on your heart to pray for?

 After all, more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Where He Leads Me

A few years later, over the Christmas holiday, Lillie sat listening to a preacher sharing about a missionary in China.  He explained what missionaries do and all that they go through.  Tears came to Lillie's eyes as her heart said "Yes" to Jesus again.  "Oh, I want to do that.  I want to be like that missionary", said Lillie.

Filling Up

After asking Jesus to be Lord of her life, Lillie began in earnest to learn all she could about Jesus.  Every night she would read her Bible.  Not just a cursory reading, but drinking deeply from the Word.  As she read, the room was filled to capacity with God.  Her heart pounded and pounded, because she knew that God was there, speaking to her, right out of the Word.  Lillie, who is never at a loss for words, didn't quite know how to describe it, other than, it was a tremendous feeling.

"He still does that", Lillie states.  What about you?  Is His Presence near?  Do you know Him to be "in the room" as you feed on His Word?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jesus beckons

At the age of 15, Lillie admitted, "I don't know Jesus Christ."  But, she desired to know Him, so she sought counsel from her pastor.  After their discussion, Lillie began her journey with Jesus.  She describes that time saying, "All the weight of the world was lifted from me.  I wasn't bowed down any more.  I was free."

Can you rejoice with Lillie and proclaim that you are free from the burden of sin that bows us down and puts that tremendous weight on our shoulders?  Only through a relationship with Jesus Christ can you know the freedom that Lillie speaks of.  If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Just how small is she?

As four small faces peered over the side of the crib, a tiny baby looked back.  The older siblings could not help but exclaim, "She's so tincy!"  And their parents agreed.  Thus, the nickname became her "real" name....for years, all her family members and friends referred to Lillie O. Rogers as "Tincy".  Little did they know that the small infant they gazed upon would become a giant for God.