Let's continue this discussion of "LIFElines". Lillie's influence is, and has been, far-reaching. One lady shares that her mother was discipled by Lillie. They met regularly for Bible study and prayer. However, as a young, ambitious and very successful businesswoman, she didn't see any need to join them. She was happy in her job and well on her way to making a lot of money. She could go anywhere and do anything she wanted, so Bible study was not a priority. In her view, she already "had it all". But when things began to change, she started looking for answers. She realized that she didn't have it all. There was something missing, something that money and success could not buy. She picked up her mother's Bible and began to read. She read it cover to cover. "Maybe the answers are here", she mused. She met Lillie and began Bible study with her.....and she began to hunger for more. She found that she enjoyed Bible study. "The Bible is so interesting" and "Lillie was so full of knowledge", she said. Lillie encouraged her to come and visit at any time. She took this invitation seriously, and spent time discussing the Word with Lillie, asking her questions and discovering the way things work in God's economy. Ultimately, she realized that the answers were found in the Bible....that Jesus was God's Son who came to pay the penalty for her sin, and that through His life, she could truly live. She prayed to accept Christ and then experienced the most incredible peace she had ever known. Even in the face of many troubles, she had "fantastic peace." Today, she reflects on that time and gives praise to God that Lillie cast a LIFEline, through her mother, to her.....and beyond.
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